ROLLING STONE [Album Review]
Radio Moscow: Magical Dirt (Alive Naturalsound)
I would be lying if I did not say I have been completely taken with this, the fourth album from lovingly/freakishly retro combo Radio Moscow—a fabulous trio from Iowa including the amazing guitarist/singer Parker Griggs, bassist Anthony Meier and drummer Paul Marrone. With an album cover that absolutely evokes another album I have seen in my lifetime but simply can’t remember—must be the font, you’ve got to love these guys—the band actively evokes all that was great about hard-rock trios of the ‘60s, the Blue Cheers, the Creams, etc., but does it with such gleeful abandon you’ve got to admire both their spirit and whatever time capsule they rode in on. Great fun, and more info here.
CELEB STONER [Album Review]
Radio Moscow – Magical Dirt
Serving up some of the finest retrograde stoner rock imaginable, Radio Moscow’s fourth studio album, Magical Dirt, continues to build upon the vintage power trio exhilaration that such respected ’60s legends as Cream, Blue Cheer and the Jimi Hendrix Experience brought forth. Formed in Iowa in 2003, heavy metal-leaning frontman Parker Griggs provides Radio Moscow with well-executed and completely focused originals full of brooding tension.
Griggs’ keenness for unbridled six-string freneticism, decisive fleet-fingered pyrotechnics, primal garage-punk spunk and fuzz-toned psychedelia advances even his most derivative inspirations. A few diligently performed acoustic respites add contrast to the boisterous venom. And there are no extraneous notes to confound the steadfast flow of Magical Dirt’s entirety.
Tempering scathing hard-rock jams with narcotic mantras and borrowed blues, this ambitious 10-song set has a loose, opus-like schematic. Combining fast and slow tempos, and soft and loud timbres with the greatest of ease, Griggs’ limber outfit (also featuring newcomer Anthony Meier on bass and Paul Marrone on drums) never gets caught in a rut. But it’s the raucous moments that sizzle best, dominating and ultimately galvanizing the frantic head rush.
Aiming straight for the stratosphere, molten psych-blues opener, “So Alone,” revels in its stinging Hendix-derived wah-wah riffage and responsive full-tilt boogie rhythm. Demonic rampage, “Death of a Queen” (play audio above), crosscuts its scurried Hendrix bluster with wiry Stevie Ray Vaughan-inspired glissando licks. Blazing cryptic scorcher, “Before It Burns,” may be the best intergalactic firestorm Radio Moscow’s ever constructed, once more waking the ghosts of Hendrix and Vaughan with siren sonic epiphanies.
Reminiscent of Cactus (another glorified ’60s metal progenitor), the rudimentary “These Days” goes into hyperspace, drifts back to earth, then finally implodes. Griggs’ ile-driving guitar flails wildly above a wickedly stammered drum-cymbal attack on “Rancho Tehama Airport,” a thrashing sendoff to the rural Northern California terminal that’s apparently got the band flustered. Scathingly seared snarler, “Gypsy Fast Woman,” bludgeons the mind like a hellishly wicked Black Sabbath requiem.
When it’s time to get mellow and convey sensitivity, Griggs relies on the haunting Leadbelly-inspired folk-blues moaning of “Sweet Lil Thing” and the similarly backdated acoustical auspices informing the portentous closer, “Stinging,”
Throughout Magic Dirt, Griggs hurls phlegm-throated baritone wails against the insistent musical mass. It’s one thing to just scream and shout, it’s another to be meaningfully expressive while maintaining true defiance. Lashing out with a cataclysmic blast, Griggs gives his darkly penetrative sentiments deeper provocation than the usual head-banging metallurgist.
Radio Moscow appear to be formidable inheritors of a distinct legacy left by some of the greatest hard rockers ever. It’s doubtful any psychedelia-induced metal fan would try to resist them.
POPMATTERS [Album Review]
Radio Moscow: Magical Dirt
By Jonathan Muirhead
A Sly And Slick Delight
This is real, dirty and gritty, play-until-the-fingers-bleed, sing-until-the-throat-is-red-raw, rock ‘n’ roll music. Don’t expect to sit back and relax to this set. When tracks such as “Death Of A Queen” and “Before It Burns” shoot forth from the speakers, they sandblast the sides on their way out. This is a sly, serious lesson in how to be a rocker and how to stick firmly to three chords and the truth in an age of pointless soul searching and self-exploration.
Radio Moscow have clearly remembered that people play music as much for enjoyment as they do for self-expression and the result is simply stunning. They have a real hunger to be heard and a fine side order of Ry Cooder-esque bluesiness and slide guitars to offset it. Magical Dirt, then, is a very heartfelt record which was obviously as much a joy for the band to make as it is for us to hear it.
Radio Moscow, “Magical Dirt” (Alive Naturalsound). Branded from the Cold War but hailing from Iowa, this trio body-slams the blues-rock subgenre on its fourth long-player.
ALL MUSIC [Album Review]
Radio Moscow: Magical Dirt (Alive Naturalsound)
Review by Mark Deming
Seven years and three albums on from their debut (not counting the older tapes dusted off and given belated release as 3 and 3 Quarters), Radio Moscow haven’t changed a whole lot — these guys still sound like they’ve passed through a time portal en route to a gig at some psychedelic ballroom in 1969, and after warming up their amps and burning down some weed, they’re ready to bring the rock to the people. Radio Moscow have once again put their allegiance to the high life front and center, with a large psychoactive mushroom towering over the horizon under a giant rainbow on the front cover of 2014’s Magical Dirt. However, Radio Moscow have made one fairly important upgrade with Magical Dirt — instead of bandleader Parker Griggs handling both guitar and drums in the studio through the magic of multi-tracking, as he’s done on their previous albums, he’s hired an actual percussionist, Paul Marrone, and with Anthony Meier on bass, Radio Moscow is finally a real and for true power trio, just like their heroes Blue Cheer and Cream. Griggs’ songs and guitar work are at the same level where they’ve been on his previous studio efforts, which is to say he mimics the sounds of another era with impressive accuracy without adding much that’s fresh to the tradition (the same can be said of his production, especially his obsession with the lost art of stereo panning), but having a live drummer to react with gives this music a major energy boost, and the increased boogie factor on Magical Dirt is a major step up for this band. If Griggs were to find a sympatico songwriting partner, that could really step up Radio Moscow’s game, but even without that, Magical Dirt has a more powerful and organic sound that delivers a better buzz than this outfit has summoned in the past.
“Magical Dirt” by Radio Moscow
Please set your Wayback Machines for 1967.
For today’s album review, we have the latest release by Radio Moscow.
Formed in 2003 in Story City, Iowa, of all places. They have been writing and recording for over ten years now.
Magical Dirt is their fifth studio album and their first release since 2012’s 3 X 3.
For people who have grown up in this day and age, millennials, this record might seem very strange upon the first listen. Radio Moscow are delightfully retro in 2014, as they were in 2011 when I discovered their release, The Great Escape of Leslie Magnafuzz. Based on this album, not much has changed….
Is it really surprising that a band from Iowa has turned to psychedelic music?
I’m going to go with no.
Magical Dirt starts off exactly the way fans of the band would want it to, and frankly it never stops.
There is no one in the game right now that can get the delicious fuzztones of Parker Griggs. Not even Gary Clark Jr. with his three fuzz pedal chain can get this.
I’m going to say it. Not even Jimi Hendrix got this juicy of a guitar tone. (If I’m not struck dead, I’ll continue on with this album review.)
Soaked in wah, fuzz, and a touch of reverb. Griggs has dialed in the perfect sound for psychedelia.
Beyond his effect laden electric guitars, he’s also pulled out an acoustic for a few numbers which made for a great change of pace.
The rhythm section of Anthony Meier and Paul Marrone have only been in the fold since 2013, but they seem to have gotten the gist of what this band is all about. There was absolutely no change in quality in their contributions.
Griggs’s vocals have changed very little if at all, as did (not?) his delivery. he still sings in places most vocalists choose not to sing on. He still screams it loudly and proudly.
After several albums, it has become very clear that Parker Griggs is hearing a concert in his head and we are lucky that he’s sharing it with us.
Release: 6/17/14
Genre: Rock, Acid Rock
Label: Alive-Natural Sound
I-94 BAR [Album Review]
Magical Dirt – Radio Moscow (Alive Natural Sound)
Radio Moscow’s “thing” is pretty easy to get your head around: Meandering but economical psychedelic guitar jams wrapped around bluesy vocals. Loud and comparatively clean with a dash of funk in the bottom end.
On Album Number Four this Iowa power trio don’t diverge from the formula. There’s some gated vocals, a little steel guitar undercoat visible through the riff-heavy exterior (“Sweet Lil Thing” and “Stinging”), but it’s mostly ball-out, see-you-at-the-finish-line rave-ups.
The term “jams” doesn’t do the songs justice because they are well-realised with no filler. Guitarist-vocalist Parker Griggs is well versed in his classic rock. Something like “These Days” with its rolling bass rumble and cascading riff simply out-Creams Cream before spearing off into space rock territory.
In case you’re wondering, Griggs writes all the original material and on two songs he plays every instrument. I’m reliably informed that the sole cover, “Gypsy Fast Woman”, is by Icelandic band Brain Police, so it’s fair to say he’s a guy who will go looking to find his kicks. Radio Moscow is self-evidently The Parker Griggs Show – how could it not be? – but his engine room revels in playing off him. Anthony Meiss’ bass-lines go chasing the guitar, in parts, without deserting the groove.
The term ‘economical’ sprang forth earlier because no song goes far past five minutes. There’s plenty of solo-ing and time changes in most tunes to keep the trip interesting. Griggs makes no big lyrical statements but you don’t expect him to. His guitar does plenty of talking.
The psychedlic stuff cuts in late in the piece on “Before It Burns”, a squealing ball of mind-melting guitar with clouds of studio sound effects poured over the top. Griggs unfurls some of his best guitar-work and the whole conglomeration sticks to the ear drums like bad wax. The adept Delta blues of “Stinging” that follow are restrained by comparison.
You’re a fan of Stoner Rock? You’ll take to this. But if you’ve ever picked up Funkadelic’s “Maggot Brain” or dug into Hendrix’s funkier material then you’ll be even more at home. Mountain’s first two albums also spring to mind.
THE WASTER [Album Review]
Radio Moscow ‘Magical Dirt’
Words by Russell Carstens
Available June 17 on Alive Naturalsound Records, Magical Dirt by Radio Moscow is an endlessly groovy record. This time capsule of impressive sixties and seventies-fueled guitar work opens with “So Alone,” a blast of Hendrix-laden psychedelic rock. Its stuttered intro immediately takes you back to the main riff of “Purple Haze.” By the end, your head is spinning and your ears want more. The rest of the album follows suit, with frontman Parker Griggs treating you to unbounded riffs and solos. His guttural vocals sound a bit like a garage rock version of Captain Beefheart.
With the exception of a few well-received breathers, Radio Moscow exudes a heaviness throughout, sounding like the musical child of stoner rock pioneers Blue Cheer and the Japanese experimental metal band Boris. “Sweet Lil’ Thing” features foreboding acoustic guitars and a sparse boot-stomp beat that sounds like an outlaw cowboy kicking his spurs in the dirt before a gun duel.
“Bridges” welcomingly opens the second half of the album with a closing section of sparse backwards tape effects and Eastern influenced Santana-esque riffs over a backdrop of noodling acoustic guitars. This album would be the perfect soundtrack for storming across a desert in an SUV with a solid sound system. Guitar players and musicians will especially love it.
By the time “Gypsy Fast Woman” comes around, it’s more of the same and the sound becomes just a bit tiring. More variety and dynamics would send this album into five-star status. Perhaps better yet, some trimming would make it a flawless EP. Conjecture aside, Magical Dirt is a truly solid effort and Radio Moscow clearly shows potential for future promise. They’ll undoubtedly morph from a great band into a fantastic one as they allow their influences to be more subtle, and continue to develop their own sound. As Sunn O))) advises, “maximum volume yields maximum results.” Crank this one.
(online music site) – News announcement with band photo and tour dates (from press release)
Radio Moscow release new album ‘Magical Dirt’ Jun.17 on Alive Naturalsound Records
(national guitar magazine)
Ear to the Ground: Radio Moscow’s “Death of a Queen”
You can’t judge a book by its cover, but sometimes you can judge an album by its artwork. Radio Moscow’s fourth long-player for Alive Naturalsound—their first was produced by the Black Keys’ Dan Auerbach—features an Amanita Muscaria mushroom prominently displayed over a psychedelic backdrop.
Of course, you don’t need to be chomping down smurf houses to feel the mind-melting heaviness of “Death of a Queen,” the first previewed song from Magical Dirt. The Story City, Iowa, trio kicks off this one with singer/guitarist Parker Griggs riffing on some Hendrixian chords before drummer Paul Marrone and bassist Anthony Meier kick-start things like a V-twin engine from a ’69 shovelhead chopper. When Griggs’ vocals come in wailing, it’s hard not to think of that line in Blue Cheer’s “Babylon” where Dickie Peterson sang, “The blues ain’t nothing but a good man feeling bad.”
The melodies squeezed from Griggs’ fretboard tangle and unravel with the tension and intensity of hyperventilation. Over choppy rhythm-section stops and starts, Griggs’ guitar solo somehow manages to flow upward and outward, ascending into a lysergic-laced cacophony. Never before has a bad trip sounded so good. radiomoscow.net
Radio Moscow ‘Magical Dirt’ CD/LP/DD 2014
Rock and roll! Man, it is a beautiful thing! And rock and roll is what you will get on Radio Moscow’s 4th long player, ‘Magical Dirt‘. An awesomely vintage psychedelic painting of a mushroom rising above fields, stars, and mountains on the cover pretty much sets the stage for the music contained within. Radio Moscow, the San Diego power trio, led by the infamous Parker Griggs, serves up 10 tracks of vintage, bluesy, rock that acts as a time capsule taking you back in time when the guitars were loud, excess reigned supreme, and nothing was off limits musically. Over the course of the 10 tracks that make up ‘Magical Dirt‘, the band is in fine form and firing on all cylinders. Instrumentally the band is tight, however they give off the vibe that everything could fall apart at any minute, and then they are right back on track keeping the flow. It makes for an interesting listen.
Instrumentally there is some face melting guitar on this record courtesy of Mr. Griggs, only breaking the pace a couple of times throughout the album by adding two delta blues inspired numbers ‘Sweet Lil Thing‘ and ‘Stinging‘. ‘Sweet Lil Thing‘, the fourth track, is a straight up bluesy number that surprisingly came out of San Diego and not out of the swamps of Louisiana or the streets of Memphis. Another straight up blues song is the final track ‘Stinging‘, both of these songs really bring a flavor to the album and fit great with the more up-tempo numbers, due to Parker Griggs bluesy rasp that sounds of a man who has lived longer than his years might suggest. Bass and drums keep the rhythm section tight, but loose enough to not sound like a soulless metronome and seamlessly flow in and out interacting with the guitar and keeping a solid foundation under the leads and solos.
‘Magical Dirt‘ is an album that the listener should immerse themselves in. It truly has the flow of an LP. I find myself listening to it in full each time, and not just going for the better songs, because there is no filler on the album. The bluesy numbers add a nice change of pace keeping things interesting. Please keep in mind, even though I continually use the term “bluesy” to describe a couple of songs, do not be misled, like it is a detour from the other songs. ‘Magical Dirt‘ in it’s soul is a blues rock album (a rockin’ one at that), and is exactly what I think of when I hear the term “stoner rock”. There are elements of delta blues, Cream, Mountain, Cactus, and a little Black Sabbath thrown in for good measure.
Maybe you saw Radio Moscow earlier this year on their week stint opening for the legendary Pentagram, or in your local dive bar on one of their many tours? Either way you can rest assured these songs are meant to be played, and experienced live.’Magical Dirt‘ is raw, dirty, and loud just how REAL rock n’ roll is supposed to be. It’s not safe, it’s not for everyone, but for those who feel more at home under neon lights in smokey bars, and love their music loud, I could not suggest this record more!
(online music blog) – News post on new song, tour dates, band photo and album art.
NEW RADIO MOSCOW ALBUM -“MAGICAL DIRT”- OUT JUNE 17th!Euopean tour kicks-off May 15th
(online music blog) – News post on new song, tour dates, band photo and album art.
Radio Moscow Premieres New Song From Magical Dirt
Click the image below to stream and share the song THESE DAYS from the new album
(online music site) – News post on new song, tour dates and album art.
NEW SONG: Radio Moscow – “These Days”
Radio Moscow is back… here’s a hard-stomping, heavy guitar freakout “These Days” which will be featured on their next album, Magical Dirt. It’s been a couple of years since their last album The Great Escape of Leslie Magnafuzz (WYMA review here), and Parker Griggs’ voice and the psychedelic guitars sound better than ever.
(online music site) – News post on new song, tour dates and album art.
RADIO MOSCOW premieres new song from MAGICAL DIRT
Listen> Two NEW Songs from Radio Moscow’s upcoming release Magical Dirt
The power trio led by the Stratocaster genius Parker Griggs have found the formula : powerful, crunching Sabbathstyle chords and fiery solos that earn the right to be called Hendrixian and plants its flag firmly in the territory where psychedelic rock and cranked-up blues meet. The sound is unabashedly retro (think Cream, Blue Cheer, Led Zep or Jimi Hendrix Experience)
Listen Two NEW Songs from Radio Moscow’s upcoming release Magical Dirt coming soon on Alive Naturalsound
(national music magazine) – “These Days” song premiere
Song Premiere: Radio Moscow, “These Days”
Today Ghettoblaster offers the exclusive song premiere of Radio Moscow’s “These Days”. This lysergically-laced heavy track is from the trio’s forthcoming album Magical Dirt (out June 17 via Alive Naturalsound Records). This is the band’s fourth studio album for Alive (their first being produced by The Black Keys’ Dan Auerbach).
Parker Griggs had this to say, from an undisclosed location, about the song:
“‘These Days’ kinda has a loose meaning and can be taken in many ways. But I think overall it’s about how we all think we need something or someone else to find happiness from, but in the long run you have to look inside yourself for this and can’t expect others to bring it all to you, because in the end you just have yourself.”
(online music blog)
Radio Moscow Kicks Off New Single, New Tour, New LP
J ust in case you thought Iowa was going to wait around for 2016 to grab the spotlight, psychedelic blues rock band Radio Moscow released their first single from their fourth album on Alive Naturalsound, “Magical Dirt”, titled “Death of a Queen”. The Story City, IO based trio delivered what would have been a gut-wrenching tune about betrayal and lost love…if it weren’t for the killer guitar riffs by Parker Griggs convincing you that playing the air guitar for the next three subway stops is absolutely what you were born to do.
Assuming you don’t possess the stellar chops of Griggs, Anthony Meier or Paul Marrone (and you most certainly do not, weird air guitar on the subway guy), you can always violate the replay button on their Soundcloud until June 17th, when “Magical Dirt” will be released.
Can’t get enough Radio Moscow until then? Get your passport ready New York, and check out the dates for the group’s European tour, starting April 15th, here.
(online music blog)
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posted Natasha Nadiah on April 10, 2014Radio-Moscow-Promo
The psychedelic blues band, Radio Moscow, has announced an upcoming European tour that will begin on the 15th of April. The tour will hit major cities like Istanbul, Vienna and Barcelona. You can check out the dates and details, after the break.
Apr 15 @ Hayal Kahvesi – Ankara, Turkey
Apr 16 @ Hayal Kahvesi Performance – Izmir, Turkey
Apr 17 @ Hayal Kahvesi Beyoglu – Istanbul, Turkey
Apr 19 @ Stone Rising Festival – Lyon, France
Apr 20 @ 7er Club – Mannheim, Germany
Apr 21 @ Groovestation – Dresden, Germany
Apr 22 : TBA
Apr 23 @ Arena – Vienna, Austria
Apr 24 @ Feierwerk – Munich, Germany
Apr 25 @ Pratteln – Pratteln, Switzerland
Apr 26 @ Desertfest – Berlin, Germany
Apr 27 @ Desertfest – London, UK
May 15 @ L’escargot – Hossegor, France
May 16 @ Bootleg – Bordeaux , France
May 17 @ La Nef – Angouleme, France
May 18 : France TBA
May 20 @ Secret Place – Montpellier, France
May 21 @ De Apolo – Barcelona, Spain
May 22 @ Shoko Club – Madrid, Spain
May 23 @ Cafe Antzokia – Bilbao, Spain
May 24 @ le Bukowski – San Sebastian, Spain
May 25-26-27 – France / Spain TBA
May 28 @ Vk – Brussels, Belgium
May 29 @ Freak Valley Festival – Siegen, Germany
May 30 @ De Piek – Vlissingen, Netherlands
May 31 @ Winston – Amsterdam, Netherlands
June 1-2 : Benelux / France TBA
June 4 @ Glazart – Paris , France
June 5 : Germany TBA
June 6 @ Loppen – Copenhagen, Denmark
June 7 @ Truckstop Alaska – Gothenburg, Sweden
June 9-10 : UK TBA
June 11 : Germany / Swiss TBA
June 12 @ Init – Rome, Italy
June 13 @ L’ars Festival – Siena, Italy
June 14 @ Rocka ‘n’ Roll Festival – Mantova, Italy
(online music blog)
Radio Moscow
Psychedelic blues-rock trio Radio Moscow have been on a consistent tear within the last year. Their new single “Death of a Queen” just dropped via Alive Naturalsound along with a three month European Tour starting April 15th. Their new album, Magical Dirt drops June 17th.
Below are a few of our favourite tracks – check em out!
REX MANNING DAY (online music blog)
Top new tracks: Jack White, Tori Amos, Hot Chip, Radio Moscow
Radio Moscow – “Death Of A Queen” {Classic Rock/Blues}
It’s about time we came across some hard-hitting, badass rock & roll, and this song is about as rock & roll as it gets. This track is off the group’s fourth studio album Magical Dirt which is being released on June 17th via Alive NaturalSound Records, and if you like their work you should follow them on Facebook here.
(online music blog)
Listen Radio Moscow – Death Of A Queen First Single from Upcoming Magical Dirt
The power trio led by the Stratocaster genius Parker Griggs have found the formula : powerful, crunching Sabbathstyle chords and fiery solos that earn the right to be called Hendrixian and plants its flag firmly in the territory where psychedelic rock and cranked-up blues meet. The sound is unabashedly retro (think Cream, Blue Cheer, Led Zep or Jimi Hendrix Experience) so it’s easy to see how it caught the ear of The Black Keys’ Dan Auerbach, who produced its 2007 self-titled debut.
Radio Moscow’s sixth release “Magical Dirt” comes out June 17, 2014 on Alive Naturalsound.
(online stoner music blog)
Song of the Day: “Death of A Queen” by RADIO MOSCOW
What could be better than that groovy, aggressive, heavy psych sound that we’ve come to know and love from San Diego’s RADIO MOSCOW? You say you haven’t heard them? Well, buckle in—it’s like Hendrix on speed! This is “Death Of A Queen” and it’s from Radio Moscow’s new album, due out June 17th, entitled, “Magical Dirt” (via Alive Naturalsound Records).
Here they are performing live at The Hawthorne Theater in Portland. I attended the show and these guys took my breath away.
(online music blog) News on new album, Euro tour and “Death of a Queen” audio stream with album art and band photo.
Radio Moscow to release ‘Magical Dirt’ Jun.17 on Alive NaturalSound
(online music blog) News on new album, Euro tour and “Death of a Queen” audio stream with album art and band photo.
(online music blog) News on new album, Euro tour and “Death of a Queen” audio stream with album art and band photo.
Radio Moscow Announces The Release of Their Fouth Studio LP “Magical Dirt” June 17th via Alive Naturalsound Records.
(online music magazine) – News on new album, Euro tour and “Death of a Queen” audio link (from press announcement
Radio Moscow to release new “Magical Dirt” album June 17th! European tour kicks-off April 15th!
(national music magazine) – News on new album, Euro tour and “Death of a Queen” audio stream
Radio Moscow Ready Magical Dirt, Tour (2014)
(online psych music site) – News on new album, Euro tour and “Death of a Queen” audio stream
Radio Moscow Post New Single “Death of a Queen”; Magical Dirt out June 17
If you were to ask me what my biggest regret was about watching Radio Moscow play each night on a seven-show run, my immediate response would be, “What the fuck are you talking about?” The San Diego trio killed it every single night on that tour, and I’m glad to see they’ve posted the track “Death of a Queen” from the forthcoming Alive Naturalsound LP, Magical Dirt, because now I feel like I have a chance to exorcise its catchy bounce from out of my head. Yeah, good luck.
They’re heading to Europe next month and it looks like they’ll be staying a while. Magical Dirt is out in June.
Dig it:
(Vegas daily) – Show preview with band photo photo
Radio Moscow head to The Cheyenne Saloon for a show Wednesday.
By Jason Bracelin
Radio Moscow is the rock ’n’ roll equivalent of the Dolorean that Marty McFly piloted to the past, only instead of the ’50s, these dudes provide a portal to the shaggy-haired ’70s, when only the sheepdog coifs were as thick as the guitar riffs of the leading psych rockers of the day.
The Iowa power trio comes hard with organ that screams like a victim in a slasher flick, bass lines that make head bobbing an involuntary reaction and guitars as fuzzy as your tongue feels the morning after a night of excessive whiskey intake.
About those guitars: Frontman Parker Griggs’ playing is suggestive of a teenager behind the wheel of a hot-wired Camaro, such is the reckless abandon that he displays toward his instrument.
A note of caution, however: Prolonged exposure to this bunch will result in the sprouting of a mustache.
(online metal music site) – News announcement with band photo and tour dates (from press release)
NEWS: Radio Moscow – Magical Dirt TBR This May …
Psychedelic blues trio Radio Moscow announced a few days ago that they are now working on their fourth full studio album, “Magical Dirt” which is to be released this May via Alive Naturalsound Records.
They’ll be hitting the road starting February 18 along the west coast, while playing seven support shows for Pentagram.
RADIO MOSCOW TOUR DATES (* supporting Pentagram)
Feb 18 @ Winters Tavern – Pacifica, CA
Feb 19 @ The Catalyst – Santa Cruz, CA
Feb 21 @ The Kremlin – Vancouver, BC
Feb 22 @ El Corazon – Seattle, WA *
Feb 23 @ Hawthorne Theatre – Portland, OR *
Feb 25 @ DNA Lounge – San Francisco, CA *
Feb 26 @ The Cheyenne Saloon – Las Vegas , NV *
Feb 27 @ Sister Bar – Albuquerque, NM *
Feb 28 @ Summit Music Hall – Denver, CO *
March 1 @ In The Venue – Salt Lake City, UT *
March 7 @ Til-Two Club – San Diego, CA
(more dates to be announced soon)
Their first show will be at the Winters Tavern in Pacifica, CA. “SF Bay folks! We start tour next Tuesday Feb 18 at Winters Tavern in Pacifica. FREE SHOW! Come check out some new jams before the album drops.” – Radio Moscow
(online music site) – News announcement with band photo and tour dates
Radio Moscow Releases ‘Magical Dirt’ This Spring; U.S. Tour kicks Off Feb. 18 – See more at: http://innocentwords.com/radio-moscow-releases-magical-dirt-this-spring-u-s-tour-kicks-off-feb-18/#sthash.tZore8qD.dpuf
(online music site) – News announcement with band photo and tour dates
Radio Moscow to release “Magical Dirt’ in May on Alive Naturalsound Records
(online music site)
Radio Moscow: Magical Dirt LP Due May 2014
Radio Moscow has announced the upcoming release of their new LP, which can be yours this May via Alive Naturalsound. Entitled Magical Dirt, the album features the young guitar hero Parker Griggs spreading fuzzy psychedelia all over your ears. Catch Radio Moscow on tour with Pentagram this month, and stay tuned for more updates…
RADIO MOSCOW TOUR DATES (* supporting Pentagram)
Feb 18 @ Winters Tavern – Pacifica, CA
Feb 19 @ The Catalyst – Santa Cruz, CA
Feb 21 @ The Kremlin – Vancouver, BC
Feb 22 @ El Corazon – Seattle, WA *
Feb 23 @ Hawthorne Theatre – Portland, OR *
Feb 25 @ DNA Lounge – San Francisco, CA *
Feb 26 @ The Cheyenne Saloon – Las Vegas, NV *
Feb 27 @ Sister Bar – Albuquerque, NM *
Feb 28 @ Summit Music Hall – Denver, CO *
March 1 @ In The Venue – Salt Lake City, UT *
March 7 @ Til-Two Club – San Diego, CA
(more dates to be announced soon)